The Benefits of Naps

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What do people think of when they first hear the word nap? Everyday sayings such as snatching a nap, being caught napping, snoozing, or stealing forty winks are all beneficial daily activities we need to add to our busy life. If we do, we will be more awake and capable to reach our full potential as an individual. People don’t realize how important a nap can be. Although popular beliefs suggest that naps are a waste of time, naps actually increase productivity by resting the brain.

Nap Basics

In order to obtain the full benefits of the nap, there are certain “rules” that need to be followed. Following these guidelines will ensure maximum effectiveness. One condition is that naps should be taken in the early afternoon. Naps can interfere with the nighttime sleep if taken after 4 p.m. (Jacobs). They should also be short in length. Research suggests taking a fifteen to thirty five minute “power nap”. This is the time necessary for the body to rest and enables brain neurons to recuperate (“Unknown Benefits”).

Comfortable surroundings are an important part of a good nap. Clothing, everything from a tie to a pair of shoes, should be loose and, if possible, naps should be taken in a place free of interruption. Thoughts should be directed to relaxing activities, thoughts that are “pressure free”. It’s also important to not feel pressure to fall asleep. If the brain needs rest, falling asleep will come (“Mental Rejuvenation”).

EDIT Famous “Nappers”

Many great figures in history used nap necessities to near perfection. Winston Churchill was one such figure. He found naps to be imperative:” You must sleep sometime between lunch and dinner, and no half-way measures. Take off your clothes and get into bed. That’s what I always do. D...

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... 21 Mar. 2012. .

Mednick, Sara Ph.D. "Caffeine No Substitute for a Nap to Enhance Memory." NIMH •. Web. 21 Mar. 2012. .

Scott, Elizabeth M.S. "Sleep Benefits: Power Napping for Increased Productivity." The New York Times Company. Web. 21 Mar. 2012. .

"Mental Rejuvenation In 20-Minute Naps." Pioneer Thinking. Dec.-Jan. 2009. Web. 21 Mar. 2012. .

NIMH ""Power Nap" Prevents Burnout; Morning Sleep Perfects a Skill." NIMH •. July-Aug. 2002. Web. 21 Mar. 2012. .

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