Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana

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Medical marijuana has multiple positives if it was legalized in all of America. Marijuana can be used to help with many diseases and illnesses. Medical marijuana can be used to make more jobs for Americans. America as a whole should legalize medical marijuana as other states already have. Many people are not informed about the good effects of medical marijuana even though medical marijuana can help with a number of diseases and health disorders. Medical marijuana has been legalized in a number of states in America. For example, it has been legalized in states such as Alaska, Arizona, and California just to name a few. It has also been legalized in America’s capital of Washington D.C. Cannabis, which is another term for the name of marijuana, has been used for a number of years dating back to some of the herbal treatments in ancient China. There have been many studies done to test the positive effects of medical marijuana. Patients do not have to smoke marijuana to use it; there are many different forms and ways to use marijuana. Marijuana is a natural drug and does not need to be chemically processed. One major reason medical marijuana should be legalized is because it can help with a person’s appetite. A survey of 72 patients at an AIDs clinic regarding self-medication with recreational drugs for medical or psychological conditions related to their illness disclosed that marijuana was the primary drug used. The perceived benefit was for gastrointestinal conditions such as nausea, vomiting, indigestion and appetite improvement (Dansak). This is only one study that was done testing the effects of marijuana use. It shows how all the positives of this drug can help with the symptoms people face while having the AIDs. ... ... middle of paper ... ... other states already have. The positives of this drug can definitely be used for a number of medical disorders and illnesses. It is a natural treatment and does not need to be chemically processed. It can help Americans not only with depression and anxiety but help America’s economy. Medical marijuana can build a whole new work force in America. Marijuana should be legalized in all of American states. Works Cited Anderson, Mark, Daniel I. Rees, and Joseph J. Sabia. “Is Medical Marijuana an Effective Treatment for Depression, Bipolar disorders, Anxiety, and similar Mood Disorders.” ProCon. 11 June 2012. Web. 21 Dec. 2013. Dansak, Daniel A. “Medical Use of Recreational Drugs by AIDs Patients.” Taylor and Francis Online. 17 Oct. 2008. Web. 21 Dec. 2013. “Medical Marijuana with Pain Management of America.” Pain Management of America. Web. 21 Dec. 2013.

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