Albert Bandura's Theory Of Behaviorism

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Behaviorism known as learning theory states that the reason why people think, act, and feel the way they do is because they learned it. John Watson in 1913 started this movement claiming that learning wasn’t just about our neutrons or your genes. It’s believed that all behavior is learned from surrounding behaviors and behavior is a result of stimulus and response. Behaviorism is also scientific but ignores biology, it has many experiments to support its theories and is highly applicable in therapy. There are three ways to apply behaviorism, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning. Classical conditioning is a form of associative learning, it’s when you using the pairing of stimulus to cause a certain reaction. …show more content…

Observational learning says that learning can happen by watching then imitating other people’s behaviors. This theory was developed by Albert Bandura, he and a few colleagues came up with this theory after working several experiments including the famous “Bobo doll” experiment. Observational learning is what we do every day in our daily life’s we watch and then imitate, for example when we go somewhere new and we’re not exactly sure what to do we usually observe everyone’s behaviors and do the same. There is a four-step pattern that Bandura formulated first is attention, when the person notices something in its environment. Secondly, retention is the person remembering what they noticed. Third, reproduction the person attempts to produce and action that is similar to what they noticed. Fourth, motivation is what happens after the person produces their imitation if they are encouraged or discouraged by their model is what determinates if they will continue. An example of observational learning would be a baby learning how to speak, they noticed their parents trying to communicate with them so they try and memorize what they heard then the baby attempts to speak it and when they try and see their parents smiling and clapping for them it encourages them to …show more content…

For the experiment, he was supposed to find an emotionally stable child to conduct the experiment on. According to the original report of the experiment the mother of Albert wasn’t aware the experiment was going on, and she took Albert away right after the experiment not giving Watson the opportunity to remove the conditions he put on the infant. In 2009 “Little Albert” was found to be Douglas Merritte, and in 2012 we learned new research that Douglas was claimed to be “neurologically impaired at the time of the experiment”. It is also believed that Watson was well aware of this and hid this fact from his case. This new research can heavily affect the experiment because that could mean that the experiment was somehow fixed and the result can’t be

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