Behavioral Psychology: Behaviorism and Learning

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Behaviorism and Learning is under Behavioral Psychology. It is basically about how our behavior results from the stimuli in the environment and within ourselves. Behaviorism is based on the belief that behaviors can be measured, trained, and changed. Learning is the lasting change in behavior that is the result of experience. As we learn, we modify our environment, the way we interpret the incoming stimuli, and therefore we interface. Behaviorism, also known as behavioral psychology, is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Behaviorists believe that our responses to environmental stimuli shape our behaviors.

Interviewee: Mrs. Maria. Occupation: Designer

According to Mrs. Maria San Lucas, who is a designer, “Dealing with good clients is easy. They understand the business of what you do. Along the way, problems occur.” She continued, “If I am dealing with kind clients, they try to understand me and they adjust to what I want and I eventually finish my job with a nice ending. With bad clients, they are fickle minded, unprofessional, and indecisive. But in my business I just try to adjust and be patient. In my work, I just learned how to be patient and to know how to deal with different types of people.”

Mrs. San Lucas learned to be patient with different kinds of people. Relating it to behavior, Mrs. San Lucas learned how to adjust with different kinds of clients. With her experience in the workplace, she learned how to act towards different kinds of people and so it affected her behavior towards them and how she would treat them.

Interviewee: Juano

Occupation: Recording Artist at Pepe Sounds Music Production Student at college san Jorge

According to Pepe,...

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...y when talking to your clients even when deep inside you are raging or having a bad mood. Even if you have the urge to raise your voice or shout at them, you have to control yourself and avoid doing that. I try to avoid being unprofessional..”

In relation to behaviorism, Mr. Tunez encounters different clients with various personalities and she adjusts to each one of them to maintain that professionalism. She changes and sort of adapts to them. Despite having to deal with some clients who are not very considerate and sensitive, she still tries to be polite and nice to everyone. Despite their unpleasant behavior, she still manages to put up a consistent face of diplomacy and niceness when dealing with them. Being in that kind of profession wherein she has to deal with a lot of people has molded her to become more tolerant towards different kinds of behaviors.

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