Behavior Assessment System For Children, Second Edition

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General Information
The Behavioral Assessment System for Children, Second Edition was written by Cecil R. Reynolds and Randy W. Kamphaus. The BASC-2 was published in 2004 by Pearson. The manual is currently priced at $102 and can be purchased online. The BASC-2 is qualified under level B. This means that it may be purchased by an individual with a master’s degree in psychology, education, occupational therapy, social work, or any field closely related to assessment and formal training it the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation. AN individual who has certification in a professional organization that requires training and experience in the area of assessment. An individual who has a degree or license to practice in the healthcare field. Lastly an individual with formal, supervised training specific to assessing children.
The BASC-2 is multidimensional because it measures numerous aspects of behavior and personality. It is designed to ease the process of diagnosing and educational classification of a variety of emotional and behavioral disorders in children. It can also be used to aid in the design of a treatment plan. The BASC-2 gives one a triangulated view of a child’s behavior. First, by examining the child’s behavior in multiple settings like home and school. Second, examining the child’s view of one’s self. Third, by providing useful information when making educational classifications or clinical diagnosis.
The BASC-2 is comprised of five components. They can be used collectively are individually. These components included: 2 rating scales (teacher rating scale and parent rating scale), self-report scale, structured developmental history form, and a form for observing in the classroom. The teac...

... middle of paper ... change of youth treatment outcome measures: A comparison of the CBCL, BASC-2 and Y-OQ. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 67, 11-125.
Myers, C.L., Bour, J.L., Sidebottom, K.J., Murphy, S.B., and Hakman, M. (2010). Same constructs, different results: Examining the consistency of two behaviors-rating scales with referred preschoolers. Psychology in the Schools,47, 205-216.
Reynolds, C. R., & Kamphaus, R. W. (2004). BASC-2: Behavior assessment system for children, second edition manual.
Tan, C.S. (2007). Test Review Behavior assessment system for children (2nd ed.). Assessment for Effective Intervention, 32, 121-124.
Volker, M.A., Lopata, C., Smerbeck, A.M., Knoll, V.A., Thomeer, M.L., Toomey, J.A., and Rodgers, J.D. (2009) BASC-2 PRS profiles for students with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40, 188-199.

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