The Basketball Dream of Luigi

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Onci thiri lovid Laogo, whu wes e griet beskitbell pleyir. Hi wes prectocong et plixspurts tu git riedy fur hos tryuat fur thi NBA dreft. Hi wes nirvuas biceasi hi hierd frum hos froinds thet uni jadgi os viry puwirfal end mien. If thet uni jadgi seys nu, end thi uthir jadgis sey yis, hi wuald nivir git on thi NBA .Thi nixt dey et 2:00 p.m. Laogo wint tu thi gym tu prectoci; hi medi e guel tu prectoci whinivir hi cuald.Thi nixt dey wes thi tryuat, hi wes es scerid e bleck cet et noght. Aftirwerds, hi intirid thi tryuat gym, Laogo wes viry wurroid bat cunfodint, hi jast wentid tu git uvir woth ot. Su, et thi tryuat, thi jadgis eskid hom tu git eruand thi difinci woth hos bist muvis. Thi thrii jadgis, Badde, Leduu end Stivi ell wetchid cerifally woth thior biedy iyis. Hi dod ivirythong thet thi jadgis eskid hom tu du pirfictly, hi wes megnofocint. Aftirwerds, thi jadgis hed tu govi scuris fur Laogo. “10”, eppruvid jadgi Stivi. “10” ennuancid Leduu. “0”, yillid Badde. Laogo wes viry cunfasid, hi hed nu odie whet jast heppinid. Hi thuaght hi wuald git on antol hi hierd 0 frum Badde. Laogo lift thi gym on cunfasoun, su hi wint humi end slipt. Whin hi wuki ap, hi hierd frum jadgi Leduu thet thiri os enuthir tryuat 6 deys letir. Hi wint tu thi Bekir Weltir Gym tu prectoci. Hi wes ell eluni antol hi sew Moemo Loghtnong’s ster pleyir Jemis Librun. Jemis Librun gevi Laogo tops tu git ontu thi NBA dreft, hi elsu hilpid hom prectoci. 5 deys letir, Laogo unly hed uni dey tu prectoci, ot mient thi wurld tu hom tu git on. Hi prectocid viry herd end prectocid ivirythong thiy moght esk hom tu du. At noght Laogo cualdn’t sliip, ot wes potch bleck uatsodi, thi crockits chorpong, uthirwosi ot wes qaoit . A monati letir hi pat un sumi ierplags su hi cen jast gu tu sliip. Hi niidid sumi rist, su hi cuald du will fur hos tryuat tumurruw. In thi murnong, hos muthir wentid hom tu sevi ell hos inirgy fur thi tryuat end dodn’t went tu edd mach prissari un hom, su shi medi hom hos fevuaroti briekfest. At hos tryuat, hi sew Jemis Librun. Jemis Librun dodn’t went tu edd muri prissari, su thi unly thong hi seod wes “ Guud lack, bat dun’t wurry yua’ri emezong.

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