civil society

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Throughout history, humankind has adapted different types of civilizations. Manny of the people who entered a society had a specific motto that caused that person to join. The inspiration of protecting certain materialistic objects was one of the main reasons. However, many of these societies have been impacted by the growing population and the era one lives. Although these civilizations have diverse structures, they have the following elements in common; an established rule of the things one can do or one cannot do as a member of that specific society. The implemented rule can give all the liberty to the people, or restrict the power of liberty. It can also give the government the liberty to be a monarch. Consequently, these societies have helped the people cope with their environmental surroundings, as the society keeps developing.

In the book, Two Treatise of Government by John Locked the civil society is a group of individuals who come together, and consent to be ruled by the executive authority. Locked (1993) proclaims “any number of men are so united into one society, as to quit every one of his executive power of the law of nature, and to resign it to the public, there and there only is a political society, or civil society. … [T]o make one people, one body politic under a supreme government (p. 159). From this quote, one can infer that when an individual from the state of nature resigns to his natural freedom, and enters a civil civilization in which he gives permission to be governed by a supreme law. The natural freedom that individuals renounce is the freedom given at the state of nature, in which people do things as they please without following civil laws. People consent to be governed by government by staying in ...

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...nal property from individuals in the state of nature was one of the main reasons people joined civil societies, which allows individuals to enjoy their property freely.

From my perspective, I agree with Locke’s beliefs of destroying the transgressor because if I worked hard cultivating the land with bare hands to make it my property, I would extremely object the notion of someone taking my property with irrationality. Therefore, I believe it is fair to protect personal property of the majority of the people. However, those who have no materialistic property, have their personal wellbeing to be protected from any transgressor. Overall, the civil society allows the government to protect life, liberty, and property, and amend the inconveniences of the state of nature.

Works Cited

Locke, J. (1993). Two treatises of goverment. The Orion Publishing Group. DOI: London

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