Motor Development Case Study

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Describe the basic pattern of motor development in the first two years
Motor development is directly associated to the advancement of our capabilities for voluntary physical movement. However, these changes take affect through the duration of our life, the most significant changes for humans occur between birth and 2 years of age. Motor skills is defined as “the learned ability to move some part of the body, from a large leap to a flicker of the eyelid” (Berger 2008). When a baby is born, they immediately are able to move their legs, grab things with their fingers and show facial expressions. This is due to the automatic movements that we refer to as reflexes. These reflexes includes the ability to maintain oxygen supply, maintain a constant body temperature and the ability to manage feeding, which are all essential for survival (Berger 2008). Usually at about 5 months, babies start to develop what 's called gross motor skills. According to Dorothy Einon “gross motor skills are larger movements a baby makes with his arms, legs, feet, or his entire body. …show more content…

Too often in today 's society we hear about a child somewhere in the United States of America being mistreated at home. Sometimes there can be circumstances that this mistreatment of a child can be unintentional. However, when this mistreatment of children is due to intentional harm or avoidable endangerment, it is classified as child maltreatment. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention makes the following claims:
1. There were 678,932 victims of child abuse and neglect reported to Child Protective Services (CPS) in 2013.
2. The youngest children are the most vulnerable with about 27% of reported victims being under the age of three.
3. CPS reports may underestimate the true occurrence of abuse and neglect. A non-CPS study estimated that 1 in 4 children experience some form of child maltreatment in their

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