Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville

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In this paper I analyzed the novel "Bartleby the Scrivener" written by Herman Melville. My goal is to answer the question about the power of words and the readers interpretation of them. I appraoched the research using the article of Roland Barthes "Textual Anlysis of Tale of Poe." The proposed method of analysis is good but it works only with small texts. In this case the text is a small tale, but is full of meaningful moments that merrit to be decoded. If using the method for longer texts, the analysis would transform into a long research that may loose connections between meanings of words and expressions.
Starting with the title we can see that it consists of the words "Bartleby the Scrivener" and a subtitle "A Tale of Wall Street". According to Barthes "Every title thus has several simultaneous meanings, including at least these two: (I) what it says linked to the contingency of what follows it; (ii) the announcement itself that a piece of literature (which means, in fact, a commodity) is going to follow; in other words, the title always has a double function; enunciating an...

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