The Influence Of Barbie's Role In Popular Culture?

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It was very common to have a Barbie doll growing up, and it wasn’t just a toy, it was a representation of a “perfect life”. From dream houses, to boats, cars, a perfect boyfriend to exiting careers, Barbie had the perfect life. Barbie had the perfect lifestyle AND the perfect body, long legs, small waist and a curvy chest. This taught children from a very young age that having a boyfriend, a career, a house and a petite body is very important. (Worldpress 2011). Barbie’s attention has been generate by the secondary role she plays in popular culture- the artifact of female representation. Barbie isn’t just a toy, she mimics the female form and starts for women within the games of make-believe in which children involves he”. (Wright 2003). “Female representation in popular culture shapes female identity” (Wright 2003)

Barbie and changed and grown in popular culture as from 1959 when she was released to current 2016, her hairstyles, fashion, body shape and careers have changed to reflect what is in popular culture today (Knopp 2016). Whatever was trending in the world, Barbie had it. Gloria Steinem says “Pop culture shapes our ideas of what is normal and what our dreams can be and what our roles are.” (Brainy Quote n.d)

What was trending in the 1960s: afros, Bouffant Hairdos, mini skirts, Marilyn …show more content…

By adopting these attributes and trends of what is popular at the time, Barbie stayed relevant in popular culture, as every girl HAD to have the coolest most up to date barbie they had. Everyone needed the new dream house, the car and the plane. Barbie has and always will be changing as new accessories are always being released, depending on what is popular in culture. “Barbie allows children to explore identity without stipulating rules for identity-formation thereby encouraging them to “play” with their senses of self in an empowering way” (Wright

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