Banning Cell Phones in Schools

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Cell phones shouldn’t be allowed in school I agree with the principal on the issue of cell phones being banned from school during school hours. I agree because during school one should be there to learn not to text or talk with their friends. Cell phones are distracting, disrespectful, and distracting in the school environment. Cell phones are distracting because they ring, beep, vibrate, or play a song, which will cause you to move or laugh. On the other hand, if it is your phone then you are distracting yourself as well the people around you. Additionally it could also distract the teacher. For example if it goes off in the middle of a teacher’s lecture a cell phone goes off then they would have to (by policy) confiscate the phone and that will distract them from what they are here to do. Cell phones are disrespectful to both the teacher and one’s fellow students. Such as one is learning about a very complicated cycle in science class then in the middle of it an inappropriate song starts playing and the students start laughing. That is disrespectful because they are ...

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