Effects Of Bad Schools And Prison Pipeline

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Bad schools, bad polices and police fuel The school to prison pipeline

It is estimated that 3.3 million children annually are expelled or suspended for violent or nonviolent offenses while attending school. The majority of the offenses are nonviolent offenses that are handled just as harshly as violent school infractions due to zero tolerance laws. This essay will show how zero tolerance laws, bad schools and policing in schools is failing millions of minority students and fueling the school to prison pipeline. The school to prison pipeline, according to the National Civil Liberties Union “refers to policies and practices that push our nations school children, especially at-risk minority black and Latino students, out of classrooms and into …show more content…

Since the implementation of zero tolerance policy and the war on drugs policies the u.s.prison ncarceration rates have risen from roughly 500,000 to 3.3 million people incarcerated in u.s. prisons. 61percent of those incarcerated are black men 3.

Zero tolerance laws initially were introduced as a means to discipline drug offenses of students while attending school. Due to increased gang violence, the policy spread nationwide after the 1994 signing of the “Gun Free Schools Act” where zero tolerance policies were coupled with the mandated reporting of a student to the police if they are carrying a gun or acting violence to other students or school …show more content…

Students being removed from the school due to police involvmenet in removing them, may also face possible criminal charges being filed against them, for infracttionsas minimal as non-prescription drug possession or being accused of sexual harassment as mentiond previously , happened to a student for hugging a teacher as a form of solidarity. Sexual harrsamentcharges that if prosecuted can lead to a student being labeled and listed as a sex offender for life. Egregious non-violent offenses that disproportionately affect black and Latino students, and due to law enforcement modeling, sets the stage for incarceration.

The aforementioned are example of student trauma, that can lead to further bad behavior and many harshly repeated reprimands targeted toward so-called problem students, for minor infractions that use mean a visit to the principal’s office or staying after

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