Waste Management

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Waste Management

No one enjoys throwing materials away. But with all of the aspects of construction that require management today, why do we need to add waste? Construction waste management can enhance a builder's operation, as well as the image of the entire building industry.


Cost-Even though disposal cost represent only about 0.5% of the total construction cost, consider that waste management costs could represent as much as 5% of the profit. waste reduction can reduce your material purchases; recycling can reduce the cost of disposal.

Efficiency-Materials that are wasted on the jobsite are payed twice by the builder-once for the original purchase and again when the usable material is hauled off for disposal. it is not difficult to find useful building materials hidden within the six-foot sides of a dumpster.

Resource Conservation-Roughly 80% of the buider's waste stream is recycable. Builders can do thier part to conserve natural resources and landfill space by looking at thier waste stream and seeing resources instead of refuse.

Liability-The general contractor bears some responsibility for any waste generated by jobsites. it is important that liabilities be protected against the company from any unauthorised or illegal disposal of waste, potentially hazardous wastes.


Sifting through trash may not top your list of things to add to an already busy schedule. But a willingness to become acquainted with your waste can tell you volumes about how efficiently your crew and subcontractors use materials that affect your bottom line. On one jobsite, for instance, the builder uncovered quite a bit of usable heating duct in the dumpster. In addition, the study found that builders who understood th...

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...es of Hazardous Materials Management, Lewis Publishers

Blowers, A. 1993 Environmental Policy: The Quest for Sustainable Development, Urban Studies Vol30, pp-775-796

Hardy, D. 1990 Into the Environmental Decade, Town and Country Planning, Vol 59, pp-2

Marshall, T. 1992 A review of recent developments in European Environmental Planning and Mnagement Vol 35, pp-129-144

Allegri, T.,H.1986, Handling and Management of Hazardous Materials and Waste, Chapman and Hall

The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management- www2.widener.edu/~sxw0004/abstract.html#anchor184380/

Municipal Association of Victoria-Why Should Your Council be a Member of the Local Government Recycled Alliance-


Department of Infrastructure-


Enviromnetal Protection Agency-The Urban Villages-


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