ADHD Case Study

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This world is filled with activity. There is always something going on in the world around us. But in a world filled with chaos, we manage to pay attention to what is most important in that moment. We are able to divide our attention in order to focus on multiple things at one time as well as select where we want to focus our attention. Imagine trying to focus on a conversation and your attention is snatched away by your thoughts of something else. Constantly. Imagine having loads of homework due by the end of the day but you are unable to complete one assignment because you can’t concentrate long enough to process your thoughts. Children and adults who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder suffer from these unfortunate situations daily. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, is a disorder in which a person is unable to control behavior due to difficulty in processing neural stimuli, accompanied by an extremely high level of …show more content…

ADHD can be treated with behavior therapy, medication, or a combination of both (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). It is best that young children between four and five start out with behavior therapy before being prescribed any medicine. Successful treatment plans consists of monitoring, follow-ups and any changes that may occur during the process. Additional treatment options for ADHD include behavioral intervention strategies, parent training ad school accommodations and interventions (CDC, 2015). Some of the medication that is currently being used to treat ADHD are Ritalin, Metadate, and Strattera. Most of these medications are stimulants used to activate brain circuits that support attention and focused behavior. Doing so reduces hyperactivity (National Institute for Mental Health, 2012). There are currently more than double the number of boys taking medication than girls and an equal number of men and women (Sternberg,

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