Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

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Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)


The current and proper role the school system plays and should play, in dealing with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) will be discussed. My Brother’s Experiences with ADD and my Critiques of the following articles, are used in the discussion.

The very one sided, sarcastic article “Immunize Your Child Against Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)” by Fred A.Baughman Jr., M.D. found at, denies the existence of ADD, attempts to terrify parents, and gives advice on how to prevent one’s child from being diagnosed with ADD. An opposing view found at the home page for Children and Adults With Attention Deficit Disorders (, asserts the existence of ADD and focuses on how this disability can be managed.

My Brother’s Experiences:

Tom, my eight-year-old brother, has been diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). A doctor eventually made the diagnosis; however, his teachers already seemed to have decided before this diagnosis was actually made. Based on the teachers’ ‘diagnosis’ Tom was labeled as ADD to both my mother and his classmates. Due to this label, the curriculum that Tom is taught was altered to a lower level then his classmates. This change in curriculum occurred without my mother’s knowledge. Since the doctor’s diagnosis mom has put Tom in extra help classes that help him greatly. Although he is not at the level that the norm of his class is, he is fast approaching. In fact he just received an E (excellent) for spelling on his report card and was very pleased with himself.

However, this E is not a true reflection of his abilities compared to his classmates. The teacher has had him on the altered curriculum that was “sub-par” to the other students spelling and reading list. We learned this when both lists were sent home by mistake. Mom was extremely discouraged, feeling that the teachers were undermining all the extra help Tom has been getting. This, and other incidents that have happened, makes me sympathize with the attitude of the paper “Immunize Your Child Against Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)” by Fred A.Baughman Jr., M.D. A critique of this article follows:

Critique of:

“Immunize Your Child Against Attention Deficit Disorder"



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...children should be very clear. Strict protocol and monitoring of this protocol should be enforced. Such protocols should be set up to protect the Children’s best interests. This as the goal, the proper role school plays in dealing with ADD should be (in my opinion):

· Monitor particular teachers to see if they ‘produce’ a larger amount of ADD children than the norm. This would prevent a ‘lazy’ teacher from drugging or removing problem children by labeling them with ADD.

· Any student-specific change in curriculum should be discussed with parents.

· To review the effectiveness of various teachers with ADD kids. (what works and what doesn’t’)

· To involve the parents of ADD kids as much as possible.

If these protocols are added to the current role that schools play in dealing with ADD, I feel the possibility for abuse of the ADD label would be minimal. In conclusion, I feel that the current role of the school system in dealing with ADD is not bad, and could easily be made great. For my brother’s sake, I hope I’m right.



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