The Importance Of Attachment

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Attachment is the emotional connection created by a child with their primary caregiver, which is normally the mother. An example of attachment is if the mother abandoned the baby and it cries from her absence. This connection normally begins when the child is around six months of age. It’s an essential element for infants to develop. Babies aren’t comfortable away from their mothers. It varies around the world, but attachment is still very important no matter where the infant is from. It is a very important component for a child to develop for their life (Child & Adolescent Development). According to Psychology Today, attachment is key to social, emotional, cognitive, and personality developments. It also affects all of the child’s relationships throughout his or her life. The attachment system provides the baby’s first coping methods. This type of connection helps the child to break away from its parent/caregiver when it’s time to (Attachment). Attachment has been studied in various animal species, such as: monkeys and geese. Harry Harlow analyzed monkeys and their attachment to the caregiver. For this experiment, Harlow separated monkeys from their maternal figures. They were provided with two dolls that had the ability to feed them. The monkeys would stay close to the dolls, regardless if they were being fed by them. He stated that …show more content…

Ways to parent a child with attachment disorders, include: having realistic expectations, patience, having a sense of humor, and to stay positive. As a parent, be sure to set limits, take charge, remain calm, try to keep schedules, and own up to your mistakes. Be sure no matter what, listen to your child and their feelings about everything. To repair insecure attachment, you could go as a clan to family therapy or parenting skill classes (Attachment

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