The Use of Conventional Cigarettes and e-Cigarretes

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Instead of using the conventional cigarettes, many smokers today are using e-cigarettes in order to quit theirs long-term smoking. In fact, no one knows this device is effectively or not. However, the e-cigarettes are very dangerous, and the nicotine of e-liquids inside the e-cigarettes is a poison which can kill both of children and adults, has been warning by some toxicologist of the Poison Control Centers. “A dangerous new form of a powerful stimulant is hitting markets nationwide, for sale by the vial, the gallon and even the barrel.” (Richtel 1) As we can see, the e-cigarettes are available most everywhere, and the e-liquids bottles have been sold dramatically in recent years. Therefore, using e-cigarettes is one of the most serious problems to public health in many countries around the world.
Differences from the conventional cigarettes, the e-cigarettes, which have been known as the battery-powered devices, operate under the mode heated e-liquids. The e-liquids is electronic cigarette liquid which contain addictive nicotine, the drug extracted from tobacco and tinctured with a cocktail of flavorings, colorings, and assorted chemicals to feed the fast-growing electronic cigarette industry. (Richtel 1) Moreover, while nicotine in cigarettes comes from the tobacco plant, it is separated from plastic and other plant material cause cancer. The e-liquids are filtered more than 4,000 harmful impurities which include 60 carcinogens. Despite filtering some harmful chemicals, nicotine in e-liquids still is a highly addicting substance as cocaine. Also, it still contains carcinogens and links to heart disease and cancer.
For smokers, they love to use e-cigarettes more than the conventional cigarettes because of the private smoking, fl...

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... effecting on children but also effecting on animals and non-smokers who already have had enough understood. “These concentrated products are significantly toxic in very small does,” Ashley Webb, director of the Kentucky Regional Poison Center, said in the statement.” When it comes to concentrated liquid nicotine, the danger is not just ingestion but with simple contact with the skin.” (Koch 1). Therefore, people need to very carefully while they are contacting with this liquids.
In conclusion, the e-cigarettes just are the era of new battery-powered addiction devices which have fewer carcinogens than the conventional cigarettes have, but it is still killing people. Smokers must have not believed on its commercials. The measure for quitting the addiction smoking and also, stopping the opening new market of tobacco is theirs proper awareness in this serious device.

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