Persuasive Essay On Assisted Suicide

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Death is a natural part of life that is inevitable, and sadly no one can escape it. Sometimes people are faced with a terminal illness that shortens their life, so they decide to take the matters into their own hand and end their life early. This is known as assisted suicide; which should be legal for someone diagnosed with a terminal illness because it is a human right decision, a safeguard to the patient, and reduces the financial burden placed on the family.
Firstly, assisted suicide is a fundamental human right obtained when born on this earth. For example, Article 25 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including …show more content…

For instance, Brittany Maynard was diagnosed with brain cancer and was literally left with no hope for a recovery. She stated in an article on CNN “I do not want to die. But I am dying. And I want to die on my own terms” (Maynard). Brittany wants to take the matters into her own hands, and she deserves to control her own future. When diagnosed with an incurable disease that will ultimately lead to death she should be able to decide the time and place instead of slowly waiting out the long painful process. With assisted suicide the only impact it will really have is on the person seeking the assisted suicide. Yes, families will grieve over the fact of a lost loved one, but the loss of a loved one is eminent when diagnosed with a terminally ill disease. Getting the right to assisted suicide can also be compared to a DNR, also known as a “Do Not Resuscitate” which means that if someone has a DNR order, and they have heart failure or anything that would involve cardiac support the DNR actually prohibits the medical professional from attempting to save that persons life. That person has the right to have a DNR order, so if they go into cardiac failure …show more content…

However, it is something that just happens in life that is out of the control of people. Even though one is hit with a hard time such as a terminal illness they can still decide their future, give their mind a sense of security, and help their family even after they have passed by considering the option of assisted

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