Right To Bear Arms - There are NO Bad Guns

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Gun Control - There are No Bad Guns

I say all guns are good guns. There are no bad guns. I say the

whole nation should be an armed nation. Period.@ This rather bold

statement was made by Joseph Foss. Former Governor Joseph Foss, a former

fighter pilot for the US Air Force, is the current President of the NRA, or

National Rifle Association (Lacayo 16). The NRA is a special interest

group known by many. Its members are stereotyped to be a group of >truck-

driving=, pompous, huntsmen. Indeed this is partially true, as 97% of all

NRA members are suburban men. Because the organization is a more >Domestic

Blend=, it is a surprising fact that the NRA is a powerful lobbyist

organization. And skeptically viewed upon by many people (Lacayo 19). As

a lobbyist organization, the NRA has a current main objective of protecting

American citizens= rights, to possess and operate a firearm, form being

violated by gun control laws. One of the NRA=s main weapons in this

crusade is the second amendment of the Constitution of the United States of


The amendment=s translation in the eyes of the NRA and many

American citizens, clearly protects the individual rights of all citizens

to possess and operate firearms. This would easily make any and all gun

control laws unconstitutional. And therefore illegal. This translation,

however, is not accepted by all people. Including the United States

Government. They believe that the amendment guaranteed no right for

individual citizens to possess weaponry, but merely allowed for the

government to form and maintain an armed service (IE. United States Army,

US. Navy). Because of the different translations of our constitution, gun

control can be viewed by different people in different ways (Lacayo 20).

Some of the many gun control bans and laws wich are under constant hellfire

from the NRA are those pertaining to self-defense. Under current laws,

like those of Texas, require that people MUST retreat and be pursued by the

intruder before any means of force could be taken upon the would-be

attacker. Unfortunately, arguments of >criminal=s rights=, and >excessive

force=, put to rest thoughts of a possible veto of some bans. With some

effort from anti-gun control groups, such as the NRA, some of these laws

have been lifted. Also, laws pertaining to self-defense and property

protection have come to be passed as well. Some laws also help to protect

homeowners form civil suites made by wounded would-be attackers/intruders

(Ward F3).

Another example of unwanted (and unneeded) gun violence restriction

laws, was the famous AK-47 crisis. Due to governmental handgun bans, the

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