Reflection Pl An Evaluation Of A Lesson Plan

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Through the implementation of my lesson, I learned I have to work on the assessment and the details of lesson planning. During the planning of this lesson, the assessment was an aspect that needed more thought. The students had a problem with reading the words for the word sort and understanding the writing section. If I were to reteach the lesson I would add pictures to the words on the word sort to help the students to read and understand the words. In addition, I would include a sentence strip for the assessment that the students could copy but then finish the sentence on their own. The writing prompt was too hard for the students, I received various answers some students copied the prompt only while other students understood it and wrote appropriate answers. Also, in the beginning of the lesson I gave the students clear directions of what I expected of the students. I had the students repeat the expectations back to me which was a success since they understood and did what was expected. After the activity, the students were supposed to complete a word sort and then a writing prompt. During the writing and the sort, I did not give clear instructions which affected the students and how they completed the assessment. The next time I teach a lesson, I need to focus more on directions and giving detailed …show more content…

In the beginning I was hesitant of having four first graders working together to decide and agree on five items. While walking around and checking in with the groups I realized the students were working together and were talking through the ideas together. I thought this aspect of the lesson was a success because the students are in groups of higher-level students and lower-level students, as I walked around I heard the lower level students explaining their thinking and teaching the higher-level

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