Analysis Of Fergurson's The Ascent Of Money

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In his book The Ascent of money: a financial history of the world, Ferguson argues that the ascent of money is the main driving force to build the history of human, ranging from ancient Mesopotamia, Roman Empire, gold and silver of the Incas to many powerful financial families such as House of Medicis, Rothchilds, Rising of Amsterdam bank and London Bank to the hedge funds of twenty-first century. In six chapters of the book, Ferguson examined the process of forming the milestones contributing to the modern financial world: the origin of the currency, bonds, stock, insurance and real estate, and the ending of the book is the relationship between the debtor-creditor mutually beneficial relationship between the US and China through the global …show more content…

Through the narrative written language and artistic storytelling of Fergurson, readers will easily read the book to the end with numerous events related to the history of money. Yet, the strength of the book was also its weakness, Diversity of character biographies in history brightened fiancé which did not contribute much to Ferguson 's thesis statement. In fact, the book missed the support of empirical evidences, which the lack of references to scientific analysis. Top it off, the book only break down one side of finance and did not complete an unattainable ambitions of its main title a history of the financial world.
Ferguson begins throughout each chapter’s challenges readers at each level of understanding of how money and financial institutions impacted the human …show more content…

The evolutionary history of humans has demonstrated the essence of money. Coins was one of the first currency used in the economic development of the Incas, Turkey, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Spain societies. However, the influx of silver and gold coins did not bring the wealth; it only increased the price of goods. The money was only worth as the trust people have in it, rather than the material it was made of metal or paper. Besides, Medici house was an example of bank that demonstrates the success of the policy of lending when usury was an immoral belief in the Christian world. That made them the leader bankers of the Renaissance

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