The Limitless Possibilities of Art

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Definition Essay – The Limitless Possibilities of Art

Before attempting to define art in even the most abstract of terms, I must preface with an apologia, for any definition of art dooms itself to failure as long as it attempts to categorize together objects or actions which belong to no unified category. Where does one set boundaries to determine the limits of the category ‘art’? Mine will serve only to elaborate my own personal opinions as there exists no objective method of evaluation for a definition of art as a whole (at least one which does not set arbitrary boundaries). Because of this inability to objectify art, we must conclude that art is by nature subjective and exists—at least conceptually—largely in the perception of the individual or the observer. Also important to remember from the onset is art’s inherent neutrality of value. Emanating from numerous disparate subjective definitions of art are correspondingly disparate means of artistic valuation, a fact indicating that the value of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is not inherent to a work of art. Moreover, art is by no means a specific term but rather encompasses a vast array of dynamic possibilities of expression, some of which may seem more appropriate to some individuals than to others. Who can know?

Paramount for a work of art is that it represents at some level our human experience. A product of the human mind, art must reflect its origins and show, if not collective experience, the individual’s experience of life or an individual’s expression of self. Curiously, most every object or action considered art—a painting, a sculpture, a symphony score, dance, acting—points to its genesis as a human creation, regardless of the level of abstra...

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...vity, and human experience, I find a set of boundaries for art which I believe also provide a broad enough definition to avoid stricture.

To conclude with a quote from Longfellow’s poem “A Psalm of Life” seems appropriate as it further elaborates the idea that art outlasts human existential evanescence, thereby proving that humanity is capable of transcendent acts of expression, for “Art is long, and Time is fleeting, / And our hearts, though stout and brave, / Still, like muffled drums are beating / Funeral marches to the grave.” From the mysterious sounds of the Javanese gamelan to the oft-claimed blasphemy of Andre Serrano’s Piss Christ, art bridges a vast gulf of diverse forms and means of expression, and perhaps the only unifying element among them are the creators: we ourselves, who in our limitedness create limitless possibilities.

Bowles 1

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