Artificial Wombs Will Spawn New Freedoms

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In this article Olson and Pellisier discuss how artificial wombs will change human reproduction. The authors believe that over time the concept of an egg, an artificial womb, will be used for human reproduction, rather than incubation of fetus within a woman’s body. This process is called ectogenesis, which is “the development of artificial wombs that can sustain fetuses to term without the need for women's bodies.” (Smajdor, 2007) This article discusses the concept of an artificial womb, the health & safety benefits, the advantages to potential parents, the possibility of gender equality and balanced parenting roles and potential resistance to using artificial wombs. While the concept of “artificial wombs” is not relatively new, it has made quite the resurgence lately as we are starting to see more examples and studies to prove the possibilities of a different kind of human gestation in the future. The authors write that “humanity inevitably will return to the egg via “artificial wombs” that allow women the same gestating liberty as birds in the air” (Olson & Pellisier, 2011). While the authors don’t expect this technology to be available soon, they do believe that over time it will become available as a method of reproduction. Along with scientific studies, the arts are also starting to show an awareness of the concept of artificial wombs. In one of her recent performances Lady Gaga climbed out of a synthetic womb as she performed one of her musical numbers “Born this Way” and other books and films are referencing this reproductive option. In 1932, Aldous Huxley wrote the book “Brave New World” which was a mix between science fiction and fantasy but was a pioneer in the discussion of anticipatory developments in reproducti... ... middle of paper ... ...n of the concept of utilizing artificial wombs for human creation in the future through research is likely to occur outside of the United States but they believe it will happen. The idea of using artificial wombs in the next 25 – 50 years is becoming more of a reality. Works Cited Garcia, J.E. (2005). In Vitro Fertilization. Retrieved July 4, 2011, from eMedicine health Web site: Olson, N., & Pellisier, H. (2011). Artificial Wombs Will Spawn New Freedoms. Retrieved July 4, 2011, from Institute for Emerging Ethics & Technologies Web site: Smajdor A. (2007) The Moral Imperative for Ectogenesis. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 16,(3), 336-345. Retrieved from:

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