History Of Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence – The Key to The Future
Artificial intelligence is the utilization of computers to imitate human brains in restricted domains. This is a consequence of developing computer which carry on logically, reason rationally and can adequately decipher its surroundings continuously in real time. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a fictionist concept, the superior computing prowess of AI has enabled them to surpass humans in problem solving. They have made it conceivable to recreate complex activities that need proficient mastery. AI is an wide interdisciplinary field which connects to many domains, all the computing disciplines, but also chemistry, math, physics, neuroscience, mechanical engineering, statistic, psychology, …show more content…

However, it was not as much as a century prior that the innovative revolution took off and AI went from fiction to extremely conceivable reality (Gil). With the development of stored program computers in 1949, the world of AI pushed off in the late 1950 as Norbert Wiener theorized that all intelligence behavior is the result of feedback mechanisms (Gil). As time progressed, from 1955 to 1966 many scientists were able to create AI in the form of computer programs which were able to make certain decision based on their programmed code base. After, in 1966 the first robot Shakey with AI was created. After in 1986, Bundeswehr University was able to create the first self-driving car with the help of input devices such as cameras and sensors. As of the 21st century, AI can be created to portray, understand human emotion and also learn from past experience. Currently, the Basic form of AI and its components is in the image …show more content…

Development of AI is enabling bots to use reinforcement learning and combining it with large neural networks to enable bots to work on complex problems. Also, the reinforcement learning enables the bots to learn without instruction or explicit examples on large complex problems (Knight). For example, recently in 2017 the AI AlphaGo was able to defeat the current champion Ke Jie at Go. Facebook’s AI bots have developed the ability to create its own language to more efficient and has also learnt to lie (Maney). Also, Elon Musk’s OpenAI beat the champion of DOTA-2 (Caughill). Another interesting form of development is the area of security, Text analytics and natural language processing comprehends sentence structure and their intentions through statistical method and machine learning which helps them with fraud detection

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