So Many Negatives of Pestacides

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Pesticides are such types of compounds which kill pests such as insects, fungi and unwanted plants such as weeds. They are used to kill mosquitoes which are used in public health, and in to kill pests that destroys crops in agriculture. Their nature is that these pesticides are quite poisonous to different species and humans also. They must be disposed of properly and quite safely.

Pesticides are the one of those poisonous substances that is spread into the environment to kill living beings intentionally. Substances included that kill weeds (herbicides), fungus (fungicides), insects (pesticides), rodents (rodenticides), and many others. to manage such specific pest problems these usage of poisonous pesticides has become common throughout the world. Pesticides are used everywhere like in parks, buildings, schools, forests, homes and roads as well as in agricultural fields. Pesticides can be used anywhere right from the can of bug spray which is used under the sinks normally in kitchens to the crops which are speeded in acres of farmlands therefore it is too difficult to find those areas where pesticides are not being used. Other than that pesticides can be found in the air we breathe in, the water we drink and the food we have.

• Organophosphate Pesticides

Such types of pesticides affect the nervous system badly by disrupting the enzyme that regulates acetylcholine, it’s basically a compound that occurs throughout the nervous system and in which it works and functions as a neurotransmitter. Many of the organophosphates are pesticides. They were introduced in the early 19th century, but their effects on insects similarly effecting on humans, were basically introduced in 1932. Some are very poisonous (they were used in World...

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5) Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC):

TLC is a quite simple and a quick procedure but an inexpensive procedure. TLC gives the chemist a quick answer as to how many parts are included in a mixture. TLC is also used to support the identity of a compound in a mixture when the Rf of a known compound (preferably both run on the same TLC plate).is compared with the Rf of a compound

6) Low Pressure Liquid Chromatography (LPLC):

Low pressure system is such a method which is used for the purification of recombinant proteins and work with those columns which are pre-packed.

7) Spectroscopy

Spectroscopy is the method which is used for the absorption as well as emitting, or scattering of radiation which are electromagnetic either qualitatively or quantitatively.The matter can be solid, liquid, gasses , atoms, molecules, atomic or molecular ions.

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