Article 1 Section 8 Of The Constitution

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Article 1 Section 8 of the constitution is all about the powers that the federal government/congress has. There are 18 clauses in article 1 section 8 of the constitution and it is all about the limits of the federal government and what they are supposed to do. Clause 1 states how congress has the power to tax and how congress controls the money and the president does not. Clause 2 says that congress is allowed to go into debt to pay for government related services or programs. Clause 3 gives congress the power to regulate international and interstate buying and selling on a large scale. Clause 4 says that congress can give immigrants the power to become citizens if they want and can declare bankruptcy if so needed, however, the government …show more content…

Maryland (1819), the state of Maryland had passed an act to set a tax on all banks not chartered by the legislature. The bank that McCulloch worked at had that tax imposed on it but McCulloch refused to pay the tax. So the state of Maryland sued him. “…involved the question of whether Congress had the power to charter a national bank-an explicit grant of power nowhere to be found in Article I, Section 8. Chief Justice John Marshall answered that this power could be “implied” from other powers that were expressly delegated to Congress, such as the “powers to lay and collect taxes; to borrow money; to regulate commerce; and to declare and conduct a war.” Marshall’s decision rested on “the necessary and proper clause” of Article I, Section 8, which gave Congress the power to enact laws “necessary and proper” for executing its substantive powers.”(We The People, p. …show more content…

Roosevelt took office in 1933, he single handedly put together what was known as the New Deal. With the New Deal, the federal government bailed out the American people who had lost so much because of the depression that started in 1929. The New Deal put money back into the economy and put Americans back to work. If Roosevelt had not of had the federal government bail out the American people, it would’ve been the demise of the United States. The federal government helped pay for the programs of the new deal and some of these programs are still enacted today. For example, Social Security helping seniors with their retirement because they’re too old to work but still need to make a

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