Living the Army Ethic: Honoring the Soldier's Oath

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Army Profession theme, "Living the Army Ethic.” Our Army Ethic describes why and how we serve as American Soldiers and is embodied in the Army 's motto This We 'll Defend! Its focus is our shared identity as trusted Army Professionals, Soldiers, and Army Civilians, who are bound by a common moral purpose. All of us are volunteers, serving in the United States Army which is a trusted, honorable profession. We contribute to the common defense of our fellow citizens and our national interest. By solemn oath, we bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution.

“The Army Profession”, describes the essential characteristics of the Army Profession. As trusted Army professionals, we affirm that the heart of the Army is the Army …show more content…

The Army Ethic is what defines us and guides us in our duty and mission performance and all aspects of our lives. The Army ethic should be at the heart of all Soldiers both on and of duty. That is why we serve the American people. And the ethics are revealed in the Army values, creeds, and ethos. All this promotes honorable service to our nation. The Army professional sets the example and it’s what the American people expect from the soldiers that serve our nation. We must continue to serve with honor to promote trust with the people and to uphold our oath that we swore to defend the constitution of the United States. We should demonstrate character and pride with how we serve with integrity and with ethics in every day aspects.

What is the definition of ethics and morals? Ethics is the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation. Morals are relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior. With that being said can you change an individual way of thinking or behavior? Everyone is raised different and has different behaviors and thinking or opinions on what is right and what is wrong and that just comes down to each individual thinking or values that he or she was raised by. You may not be able to change an individual’s behavior but you can modify their thought

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