Healthy Eating Argument Essay

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As people grow older, they seek to become empowered with the way they live and how well they take care of themselves. People today have become self empowered to do what is best for themselves whenever they can. Today a main idea is the fact of health. What is the best way to take care of yourself? Although this has many properties in it of itself, a large focus is on what type of food is consumed, and how it affects everything around it. Where the food comes from? How was it made? What does it do? All of these are just some effects that can be determined by choosing what to eat. One place in which many ideas come together on healthy eating, is in the argument of being a Vegetarian. If the term is unknown then it simply means to exclude meat …show more content…

When vegetarians argue that a diet not containing meat is healthier because it does not contain as much fat and reduces the chances being obese, Joseph Mercola argues that “ I was exposed to concepts that helped me get a deeper understanding of the enormous level of biochemical and genetic individuality that essentially guarantees that there is no perfect food plan that will work for everyone.” This helps to justify the fact that a person who does not eat meat, may actually be not as healthy as someone who eats meat due to the different makeup of each human being. Some people require different types of food in order to function at their best. The reason for others believing in being a vegetarian, is on the subject of slaughtering animals for food. Those that support eating meat do not deny that there are types of conditions in factories where animals are treated unfairly, but there are alternatives to eating processed meat. There are many start up farms that treat their animals with respect and allow them the grow naturally. There has also been a long tradition of killing animals for survival of the every human being. “The ancestors of modern vegetarians would not have survived without using animal products like fur to keep warm, leather to make footwear, belts, straps and shelter, and bones for tools” (Morrel). The killing of animals has been part of life from almost the beginning, it is an acceptance many people have come to terms with throughout the ages. When a Vegetarian argues that the production of meat hurts the environment by producing noxious gases and destroys natural land, the simple answer to that is when anything is produced it takes up natural land. According to Lierre Keith, author of books supporting a mixed diet, “The truth is that agriculture is the most destructive thing humans have done to the planet, and more

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