Why God Must Exist By Roger White Argument

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Roger White presents an interesting argument for why God must exist. In his argument, White states that everything in the world is finely tuned to live its life accordingly. In order for this to be possible, God must have finely tuned all beings so that they were well fit for life. In depth, this argument is, “If a fact stands in need of an explanation, and a hypothesis explains this fact better than anything else, then they support each other. Our universe being so perfect for life is a fact in need of explanation. The hypothesis that God has finely tuned everything to be where all living beings can exist in this universe is an explanation to this fact. No other hypothesis compares to such a standard as this one. Therefore, the fact that our …show more content…

However, one specific explanation stands above all others. One can then look at all possible explanations and infer that the best possible one is that is most likely to be true. White uses inference to the best explanation by jumping to the conclusion that God is the one who must have finely tuned all beings for life. This is because there are many possibilities for an explanation of why beings exist the way they do. For example, one could easily look at this situation and come to the conclusion that this is just the way it is and beings exist this way independently. However, looking at the situation, the explanation that makes most sense out of all other possibilities is that God exists and has done all this to the universe to ensure life can be supported in …show more content…

In many theories that come into the light in the scientific field, there are always gaps, there are always issues within each that have no explanation to them. For example, the big bang theory, this is a theory that attempts to explain how the universe was created. This theory states that the universe began as a very small, dense, and hot ball (Imagine the universe all put into a ball the size of a pen tip) with no stars or atoms. This ball then expanded incredibly quickly. The universe was then formed as the way it is now. Personally, I feel as if this theory has a major hole that prevents me from believing it is possible. This hole is, “What exactly put this ball into motion in the first place?”
The only foolproof explanation that there is for such as perfect universe that retains life in such as way is that an all good, all knowing, and all powerful being put everything into motion and finely tuned it to ensure a universe was created that could allow life to exist so

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