Arguement for the Legalization of Cloning

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The idea of cloning first came around in 1885. Cloning was first shown when Hans Dreisch in 1888-1894 took two and four cells of sea urchin embryos, isolated them and watched, as they became microscopic larvae. In 1901, Hans Spemann took a newt’s embryo with two cells and split them into two parts. The result of this was a clone of the larvae. In 1993, a human embryo was cloned for the first time, and then in 1996 Dolly the sheep was born. She was the first organism from adult cells ever to be cloned. Cloning has been practiced for many years and has many benefits ranging from the human health to scientific research. The United States government should deregulate cloning and provide more funding for research and development, as cloning is beneficial for finding a cure for cancer and many other degenerative genes.
Cloning is the copy of a biological entity; such as a gene, a cell, or an entire organism. Human cloning is defined by the American Medical Association (AMA) as the production of genetically identical organisms via the somatic cell nuclear transfer. Cloning human beings requires the DNA or the genes of the person to be copied and then a duplicate is genetically created.
There are two types of human cloning. There is therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning. Reproductive cloning is when the cloned embryo is transferred into the uterus of a female of the same species, while the clone does not have a 100% identical chromosomal DNA as the genetic predecessor. Therapeutic cloning is used to help repair defective genes by the homologous recombination. As Professor Savulescu says...
“Cloning a single skin cell from a patient with a disease could be used to produce inexhaustible amounts of cells and tissue with that disea...

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...its research, so cloning should be deregulated and funded by the government. Other benefits of cloning are that it can give couples who cannot reproduce a chance to have children who are biologically related to them, whereas they would not be able to. This will also help those who are at a high risk of passing a genetic disease that they have. The parents could clone one of them and then reproduce a healthy baby with their genes. This type of cloning is called reproductive cloning. The reproduction through cloning is like any other common reproduction options and genetic-selection practices that it should not be treated any differently and be given to the recipients as an option. Cloning should be deregulated and funded by the United States government. The benefits and cures that come from human cloning are endless, and will benefits everyone in one way or another.

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