Areas of Control and Interest in the Application of Integrity and Ethics Done by Ph.D. Students

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Just as it is important to consider the cultural and regional areas when considering informed consent, it is also important to be informed of the cultural context of a study when determining plagiarism. In some cultural contexts, the concept of intellectual property is not understood and therefore plagiarism is difficult to comprehend (Evering & Moorman, 2012). In other areas, like the Unites States, it is a concept clearly understood in the same way that society understand the need for copyrights and patents.
Professional and ethical conduct in research seems common sense. Yet, there are multiple studies that indicate that unethical practices still exist and some practices, particularly plagiarism, is more prevalent than ever before. Most researchers may understand that the safety and well-being of individuals is very important and would not purposely cause any harm to anyone. However, many people, particularly those who have grown up in the technological era, may not fully understand how plagiarism is hurting someone. With information readily available in the internet, it is very easy to access and to copy and paste into a paper or report. Many younger students have not grasped that the information found on internet, though easily accessible, is not all public domain and authored. The information is still the intellectual property of an individual and the individual must receive credit for it.
In the area of education, it seems that classroom teachers may, at times, in avertedly plagiarize since it is of common practice (even at times suggested by nationally known speakers like Harry Wong) that a teacher may “beg, borrow or steal” another teacher’s idea to implement in their own classroom. In fac...

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...Administration & Management (CCEAM)), 40(2), 99-114.

Evering, L., & Moorman, G. (2012). Rethinking Plagiarism in the Digital Age. Journal Of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 56(1), 35-44. doi:10.1002/JAAL.00100

Estow, S., Lawrence, E. K., & Adams, K. A. (2011). Practice Makes Perfect: Improving Students' Skills in Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism With a Themed Methods Course. Teaching Of Psychology, 38(4), 255-258. doi:10.1177/0098628311421323

Franke, A., & Arvidsson, B. (2011). Research supervisors' different ways of experiencing supervision of doctoral students. Studies In Higher Education, 36(1), 7-19. doi:10.1080/03075070903402151

Shamim, F. and Qureshi, R., (2013) Informed consent in educational research in the South: tensions and accommodations, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 43:4, 464-482, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2013.797729

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