Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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“In making the appointment for my abortion procedure, I must have known there was something fundamentally wrong with the whole thing, because I did not use my real name”(Marilyn) If you have to use a fake name then you know something is wrong with what you are doing. “I remember having to ask the attendant to please hold my hand during the abortion procedure because it was painful and I was afraid” (Marilyn). She had no idea how emotional the experience would be in the end. “I had a shameful feeling... I experienced some regret, but I decided to stuff that feeling deeply down...As time went on after the abortion I felt confused and empty.” (Marilyn) Why have an abortion if it is going to make you feel so bad? “I used alcohol to numb my pain and confusion. I never talked to anyone about my abortion because I was deeply ashamed. I experienced relationship problems” (Marilyn). Abortions have been a very controversial subject and will most likely be for the rest of time. Abortion is a very serious and real procedure. It will never go away like you may think. Abortion will stick with you for the rest of your life. “Since the legalization of abortion in nineteen seventy three, over fifty seven million …show more content…

A large petri dish sat on an instrument stand to the right of the girl’s feet…from time to time during the procedure the physician would tap his forceps on the edge of the dish – and into the muck would drop a foot, or a hand, or a piece of rib cage” (Terza). He then goes on to say: “Having seen what I saw, I cannot for a moment abide the disingenuousness of those who argue that a fetus is not human, or those who convince themselves that abortion is not killing…” (Terza). However, abortion is simply taking the life of an innocent child. The child has no rights when the mother choices

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