Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa

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“Body Image” Eating Disorders are a range of mental health problems. People that suffer from an eating disorder find their relationships, daily activities and basic health is affected. All ages and sexes can suffer. But eating disorders, such as Bulimia Nervosa or Anorexia Nervosa, are generally found in adolescent girls and young women. Anorexia Nervosa affects less than one percent of adolescent girls and young women, whereas, Bulimia Nervosa affects two percent. Approximately five percent of people with Anorexia are male. One main alleged cause is the media for their portrayal of young men and women and using unrealistic body shapes. Anorexia Nervosa is generally a preoccupation with thinness even though they themselves are underweight. It is also the most fatal of all mental illnesses. The symptoms found with Anorexia Nervosa may include distorted thoughts of their body (thinking they are more overweight than they are), they have a drive for thinness, they fear weight gain, excessive weight control (Such as restricting food, over exercising, vomiting and misuse of laxatives) and loss of periods in young women and delayed starts for adolescent girls. Bulimia Nervosa involves cycles of binge eating followed by behaviours to prevent weight gain. Some symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa include fasting and frequent changes in weight. Bulimic people fast for long periods of time, then so overcome by hunger they over indulge and feel as though they have lost control over themselves. They then feel guilty and undertake extreme measures to lose the weight they may have just put on by self inducing vomit or using other substances (diet pills, laxatives, Etc.) People that suffer from either disorder can recover, taking on average two ye... ... middle of paper ... ... out society. People need to be aware of its affects and that it is a serious psychological condition. The media has a huge impact on society’s views of outer beauty and they need to notice the affect it is having on younger women and men. If magazine editors are aware completely on the strong impression they are impressing on today’s generations they can move this industry forward to show peoples full inner beauty. Sunday Mail, May 13 2007, “Teen switch to gym worry” page 26 Sunday Mail, May 13 2007, “Six girls tell us what they think of body image” page 26 1998 Learning Essentials, Pretty Stupid. Women’s magazines and body image. 1996 Learning Essentials, Eating Disorders, THE FACTS.

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