Animal Farm by George Orwell

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The thought provoking ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell is an interesting book that allegories the Russian Revolution. It reincarnates the main politicians of the Russian during that time and shows them as pigs on a farm called ‘Manor Farm’ although the pigs soon change the name to ‘Animal Farm’ when taking it over from the opprobrious Mr Jones. The pigs quickly become corrupted by their power and begin to bend their own rules and great ideas of equality. They used the animals’ basic intelligence against them and the pigs became greedy and selfish much like many other dictators. At the start of the book the pigs have ideas of equality and fairness. As at the start of the book Old Major describes his vision of a perfect future without man. He teaches them a song called, ‘Beasts of England’ this helps create the satire of nationalism as the animals sing the song but they don’t truly know the meaning of it. By singing it many times it starts up a revolution and the animals no longer being the rule of Mr Jones. Techniques of imagery are used to show the brightness of the near future, ‘the...

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