Persuasive Essay On Cruelty To Animals

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same journal as previous stated, it says, “The association between a history of substantial cruelty to animals and later aggression against people was also confirmed in a second publication of the findings in this same study” (257). If a test on these disorders is done from the beginning it could save even more difficult situations down the road. Taking the time to help these people, could save a lot of lives. Animal cruelty should never be under seen, or seen as something minor, because this is how a sociopath may start, it typically starts at a young age and could start off with an animal. The criteria for these disorders being connected to animal cruelty has been around for over a hundred years, action should be taken to be making the right …show more content…

Being able to see the perspective as to when this started in a person’s life is a major part of understanding and evaluating these crimes into reasons as why this harm is being done. Most of these harmful acts start happening at a young age. In the article, “Correlates of Cruelty to Animals”, it says, “Behavioral problems included problems with attention, peers, authority, truancy, being a victim of bullying, and being a perpetrator of bullying” (814). Most acts of cruelty have a story behind what made this person do this is crime, they don’t typically just happen out of nowhere from one day to another. All of these issues with peers or attention, and bullying could easily connect to antisocial disorder, it may make children feel like misfits, out of place. When one feels out of place, social norms are no longer social norms to them. Things …show more content…

Just the way these therapists have all this patients, it is a positive note to see the help they are willing to receive. When a survey was done 87% of the therapists claimed there was a mental health disorder underneath all of this. It gives an explanation as to why harming an animal is something they seemed to disregard, it gives them a sense as to where the anger comes from. Just the way trying to understand the person with the disorder, sometimes that person is still trying to understand themselves. Not being able to understand why, can be a scary thing. Having these therapists see and help throughout that is a sense of belonging. Diagnosing people with disorders will benefit the person with the disorder to seek the answers of why this has been occurring in their

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