The Ancient Egyptian Civilizations

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Ancient Egyptian Civilization There have been many prosperous civilizations throughout the history of the world. Many of them became very large, and lasted for a countless number of years. The most successful and large scale civilization, however, was that of Ancient Egypt. Although it lies in the middle of the largest desert in the world, egyptians were able to use their intelligence to utilize the Nile River and cultivate the surrounding land for farming. They came up with very unique conceptual ideas that benefitted them greatly, and discovered many new things that would impact society around the world to this day. For all of these reasons and many more, Ancient Egypt was the most advanced civilization of its time. Like any other civilization …show more content…

These concepts had a major influence on many civilizations of the future, including most of the world today. The first basic forms of arithmetic were introduced, leading to advancements in many other aspects of life, such as architecture. Hieroglyphics were symbols used as a form of writing and communication. Either painted or carved into stone, they left behind a record of their world. These hieroglyphics were often complex symbols, so hieratic numerals were shaped as a more general form of writing to create more efficiency in their everyday lives (Oliver 6). “Egyptian priest-astronomers studied the heavens, mapping constellations and charting the movements of the planets” (Elisabeth Gaynor Ellis et al. 32). Using this knowledge, the egyptians developed the 365 day calendar which obviously had a major imprint on society today. They used their skill and intellect to build great structures and monuments (the Great Pyramids are some of the most sophisticated ones known today). Above all, the world 's first national government was organized, which was a foundation of their society. Pharaohs ruled with the assistance of a chief minister who would oversee the business of government. These chief ministers would keep track of many important things like tax collection, management of irrigation systems, and farming (Elisabeth Gaynor Ellis et al. 25). They had thousands of scribes that put forth instruction to

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