Ancient Egyp Gods and Godesses: From A to Z

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Anubis was the Egyptian god of embalming and the keeper of secrets. He was associated with the mummification and protection of the dead and journey to the afterlife. He was portrayed man with a jackal’s head, or in jackal form holding a flail in the crook of his arm and wearing a ribbon. In the Old Kingdom he was the most important God, where he was associated with the burial of the pharaoh. He was very important because the Egyptians worshiped two things: 1. the gods and 2. The dead. The ancient Egyptians also believed in the afterlife. So another reason why Anubis was so important was because, on your travel to the afterlife he was there waiting for you. He takes your heart, weighs it and decides your fate in the underworld depending on how heavy your heart is compared to a feather.
Bastet was the goddess of warfare in lower Egypt, before the unification. She is the goddess of joy, the home and the warmth of the sun. In modern day she is portrayed as a woman with the head of a cat. Before the unification, Bastet was the lioness-goddess, but that role became diminished as Sekhmet, a similar deity became more dominant in the Two Lands (Upper and Lower Egypt). In the 1st millennium BC, during the 18th dynasty when domesticated cats were popularly kept as pets, Bastet started being represented as a woman with the head of a cat, and then ultimately by the end of the 22nd dynasty she became the cat-goddess. She was seen as a protective and gentle goddess, and she would appear with the head of a lioness in battle to protect the King. She was very important to the ancient Egyptians because she was the goddess of protection.
Cleopatra VII or mainly known as Cleopatra was the last active pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. She was a member ...

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...Persian mūm meaning ‘wax’. In ancient Egypt, at the earliest stage, the people buried the dead in pits in the desert. The dryness and heat from the desert dehydrated the body, creating a lifelike natural ‘mummy’. The ancient Egyptians believed that part of the human spirit was permanently linked to the viability of the body.

Works Cited
Discoveries – Ancient Egypt Picturing the Past – Egypt by John Malam

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