Culture Of Anasazi Culture

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It was during the time period that Christ was born that the Anasazi Indians appeared in the Four Corners area which is the area where the boundaries of Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado meet. For the over a thousand years the Anasazi thrived and built their homes into the side of cliffs. These cliff dwellings could only be reached by climbing and made for a great defense system against enemies; some dwellings reached five stories in height and contained hundreds of rooms. Many of the elaborate cliff dwellings and terraced apartment houses built of stone, mud, and wood still stands today and date back to about 9,000 CE, but the people who comprised this desert culture did not begin to settle into an agricultural lifestyle until around …show more content…

Because they were basically gardeners was the main reason that I chose the Anasazi culture and I am drawn to their cliff dwellings. Vegetable crops provided a reliable food source that allowed time for other interests such as religion, art, ritual and handicrafts. Other innovations included the bow and arrow which eventually replaced spears and dogs were bred, possibly for use as hunting dogs and companions. Artworks included clay pottery, turquoise jewelry, and crude clay figurines. The Anasazi pottery is well made, smooth and symmetrical and balanced. Pieces are decorated with birds, people and geometric designs. These patterns enhance the curved and balanced shape of the piece. The lines are simple and sharp and they developed a distinctive black on white pottery. Some of the pottery designs that the Anasazi created are still being duplicated and displayed today. The Anasazi wove blankets, robes, kilts and shirts. One of their favorite designs to use in artworks was a zigzag pattern that represented lightning and rain. Before they learned the art of pottery, they were skilled basket makers and their designs included complicated color patterns worked into …show more content…

It is believed that the Anasazi 's just got up and left, leaving almost all of their possessions which hint that they probably had a long trip ahead of them. By 1300 the complex and highly developed culture of the Anasazi had disappeared from the area. Fortunately, they left behind artifacts and evidence of their hard work for archeologists to study. Anasazi religion was based on maintaining harmony with the natural world, which was the key to survival for ancient people. Observation of the sun, moon and stars was essential for planning activities such as planting and harvesting crops. Rituals were annual events such as the winter solstice or the beginning of the harvest season. Animal figures pecked or painted images on rock walls may have been connected to prayers or magical rituals for successful growing of crops and hunting. There is evidence that the ancestral Pueblos occasionally sought visions by using the seeds of the hallucinogenic Datura plant. Seeds were found at Mesa Verde and some pottery vessels are decorated with Datura seed pods. Pueblo priests helped to bring rain through ceremony and prayer. Like shamans, they are thought to have a special level of communication with the

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