Financial Decision Making Process In Zager And Zager (2006)

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Zager and Zager (2006) split the financial decision process into three parts: Inputs, process and outputs. This essay shall show the inputs, both qualitative and quantitative, process techniques and outputs of the financial decision making process. Integrity of the data is needed throughout the process, not just with the final outputs, also how different levels of accuracy are needed, and indeed can be achieved in different phases of the project.
Investments and projects will are used interchangeably. All projects are investments (although not always financial) (APM, 2006) and all investments are projects. They are unique, transient endeavours. (Kerzner, 2006) Pertinent questions, which are analysed and answered throughout a project (or investment) include: (1) Will this make a profit? (2) What will the profit be? (3) What are the financial timescales? (Kerzner, 2006)
When making an investment appraisal, …show more content…

The results were inconclusive: only two studies found a relationship between capital budgeting and firm performance: although three found a relationship between sophisticated risk management and firm performance. (ibid)
As NPV and IRR use the output of risk management (Atrill and McLaney, 2012) this is likely to increase the accuracy of these processes. But accurate outputs do not necessarily increase firms and projects performance. The information needs to be analysed by people with the skills to interpret the data: Financial decisions rarely have a yes/no answer, and are often multidimensional. (Atrill and McLaney, 2012) To minimise mistakes, skilled staff are needed.
Pike (1988) found that in 1986 only 26% of firms surveyed used specialist staff to carry out at the capital budgeting processes, but 86% carried out a formal risk process. This brings into question the validity of the processes

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