Literary Analysis Of Tim O Brien

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Tim O’Brien Memories Memory is everything to the human society. We communicate and build relationships off of our memories through the stories we tell. We are natural story tellers and have been telling stories since the beginning of time. More than half of the human race lives their lives based off of stories told by others such as culture, religion, and our general history. Have you ever asked yourself how real are these stories? Not saying that they are false, but it has been recently revealed that memory is false. So if memories are false then that would mean the stories that are being told are false. You probably looking at me as if I’m crazy but if you pay attention you will understand by the end of this essay. “It has been proven …show more content…

Every story that he wrote was a recollection of a memory that was reconstructed. From what I stated about memory earlier you know that I’m saying everything O’Brien stated is false but there can be some truth to it. As a story-tellers we like to tell a really good story and all great stories has some truth to it. Even though we can talk about a real experience doesn’t mean that it’s true. Your memory never reconstructs any experience 100% instead it recalls some of it and fill in the gaps. (O’Brian) This is where the detail come into play they are kind of like an adverb use to add life to a word. O’Brien wants the reader to see past all of the details. He states in one of his stories “Don’t pay attention to the details because they are there to make the story feel more true but they are usual the untrue parts.” (O’Brien WS) In reality he explains that the stuff that seem normal are usually fake while on the other hand the crazy stuff is true when listening to a story. (O’Brien WS) A good example of this would come from “How to Tell a War Story.” Where O’Brien speaks about a war how to tell a true war story. In one statement O’Brien say that “true war stories do not generalize. They do not indulge in abstraction or analysis.” (O’Brien WS) That’s just one example why the detail doesn’t matter because it gives the reader a feeling to analyze. Another quote by O’Brien “Adding and subtracting, making up …show more content…

It is a story about the love of war, the love of brotherhood, the love of friendship, the love of family. It is also about the what could have been and what could of not. O’Brien is more focus on the raw emotion but not just only the emotion of the soldier but the audience. Different audiences ranging from reader who experienced the war and to the readers that would come well after the war.” With these stories O’Brien is trying to tell us a story about his emotion. His true goal is to bring his reader back to the war so they can feel the emotion of that moment. What I came to learn about Tim O’Brien reasoning is that he uses fiction to tell his story. With fiction he could tell his stories from many point of views, even though the theme is the same the details always differ. With details O’Brien can spark any type of emotion by his form, and the language he uses to speak. The more details the more us the readers feel the need to care. Creating the need to put ourselves into that person situation. The need to feel pity for the characters, because it feels so

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