Analysis Of Saint Thomas More's Utopia

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Saint Thomas More was an English lawyer, philosopher, and a Renaissance humanist. He was also a councilor to Henry VIII, and Lord High Chancellor of England. To add to the many work trades he possessed, he was also a writer, and wrote a book called, “Utopia.” The book was written in humanist Latin, and it was based off of More’s concerns that he expressed about the manners and government, which were negatively viewed by him, along with Hythloday 's disapproval of existing practices in England. The meaning of the word Utopia is “Reformer of society.” Utopia was a fictional island society that he created, and in the island the towns were distributed according to convenience and logic. Utopians were a very interesting group of people that believed in social organizations, and the perfectibility of human society. Thomas More’s Utopia book was …show more content…

This can be viewed as civic humanism. Humanism itself is a difficult theory, with many different concepts of humanism within it. Their perspectives of civic humanism was also shown in this passage, “Out of the twenty-four equal hours into which they divide day and night they allow just six to work: three hours before noon when they go to lunch, after which they allow two hours of the afternoon to a siesta, then three further hours of work are concluded with supper.” Pg 64 passage 2, line 2 Some of the Utopian practices consisted of only working as few as six hours a day and using the remainder of the time to self-indulge, or pursue personal interest that did not pertain to their work. Moore wrote Utopia while England was experiencing turmoil because he wanted people to be able to envision an ideal society. Utopians were not Christians but they were still able to live close to perfection, so it was unacceptable that Christians should have much lower values than the paganistic

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