The Lesson Of Multiculturalism In Thomas King's Borders

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Thomas King’s Borders portrays the limitations placed on native people in both Canada and the United States. Although multiculturalism is a celebrated trait of both countries, there are limits to the extent which one is able to display personal identity. In the story, the mother is prevented from identifying herself as a Blackfoot woman and instead must decide which broad category she fits into: American or Canadian. The story highlights the difficulty of being forced to conform to the social and cultural norms that one must in order to call oneself a citizen. The Canadian and United States, borders symbolize the restrictions that the government places on minority groups, such as the Blackfoot nation. King’s narrative reveals that governments …show more content…

The mother’s resilience proves to be the key to overcoming her strife. “The second night in the car was not as much fun as the first, but my mother seemed in good spirits” (King 143). Refusing to betray her values as a proud First Nations people, the mother had her and her son spend two nights in their vehicle, and would remain doing so until they let her through. “Early the next morning, the television vans began to arrive” (King 144). It was only once news reporters heard of Laetitia’s mother’s plight and brought awareness to the matter, that something changed. The government has no desire to appear in a negative light, so they allowed the family to cross the border while still declaring them as Blackfoot. The mother’s pride for her Blackfoot identity spread to her daughter as well and after seeing her mother and brother appear on the news, she contemplates returning back to her community. “Laetitia said she was thinking about moving back” (King 147). The narrative ends with the final sentence; “I watched the border through the rear window until all you could see were the tops of the flagpoles and the blue water tower, and then they rolled over a hill and disappeared.” (King 147) The disappearing flagpoles symbolize the families experience with injustice. Even though their personal experience with oppression had ended, it is still a factor that remains for other minorities, even if the injustice is not always

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