Notes On The State Of Virginia Summary

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Thomas Jefferson is known to have a combination of identities in his writing. He seems not to just pick one. This contradiction may occur due to how important identities were at the time. Southern identities can be part of where Jefferson describes nature. Through rivers in Virginia, Jefferson wanted to establish how Virginians lived. Not only this, he illustrates that Virginia is important to him. A complicated identity is seen throughout Notes on the State of Virginia in regard to race. Race justifies how African Americans should be free and that Native Americans can adopt European ways. Properly organized society is a part in this. In Notes on The state of Virginia, Jefferson introduces a combination of identities of race and for nature. …show more content…

One comparison is seen in this quote “Besides those of colour, figure, and hair, there are other physical distinctions proving a difference of the race. They have less hair on the face and body.” (Shuffelton 146). Frank Shuffelton states that these comparisons threatened even southern planters as they thought Jefferson was a bit too harsh (Shuffelton xxv introduction). People would commonly think that many southerners supported this, yet many were disturbed. In query eighteen, Jefferson elaborates the idea of wanting emancipation of African American slaves. This shares the idea of how several people thought that slaves are included of individual freedom offered in the constitution. He writes, “I hope preparing, under the auspices of heaven, for a total emancipation, and that this is disposed, …show more content…

Thomas Jefferson designates a listing of a lot of rivers. However, the major rivers are important is Kaskaskia and Vincennes this is recovered in the revolution for America. An individual that helped get this territory is a Virginian named George Rogers Clark, Jefferson mentions this to shed light on how Virginia had an important role in discovering the territory (Shuffelton Xxi appendix). Jefferson grew up in Virginia. Like several Virginians if someone is from that state they want to show how much Virginia means to them. It shows how people in Virginia lived. Like with how Jefferson mentions cotton trade in query XIX. The identity of southern farmers is highly incorporated in this query. Jefferson states, “those who labour in the earth are the chosen people of God, if ever he had a chosen people, whose breasts he has made his peculiar deposit for substantial and genuine virtue ( Shuffelton 268).” He even goes on to describe that many manufacturing should remain in Europe. Jefferson wants the idea of cultivation to be protected. The colonies are founded on farming from land. Americans, especially in the south are known for farming. Jamestown began to boom by tobacco. Jefferson in his career tried to always protect farmers. Farming is what helped sustain the economy. Since America is founded on farming it should be protected. Many people wanted to leave manufacturing, which Britain established. This did not last.

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