Plot Changes In Cinderella

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Over the years, fairytales have been changed in order to make them more kid friendly. Once these changes occur, the moral and purpose of the stories being to disappear. The tales featured in the many Disney movies beloved by so many, have much darker and meaningful origins that often served to scare children into obeying their parents or learning valuable life lessons.
A perfect example of such plot changes occur in the tale of Cinderella. This fairytale is "one of the oldest and most widespread fairy tales in western culture" originating in roughly 50 BCE (ARTICLE #3). The Disney movie is most likely based on the brothers Grimm version although many changes did occur. The evil stepsisters in the brothers’s story are described as “beautiful …show more content…

The biggest of these changes is that in the original versions of this story there was little to no magic involved in the story. Briar Rose was not a princess and there was no curse cast upon her, there was simply a splinter in her finger making her sleep. One day, a king comes along finding Briar Rose he tries to wake her. Failing to wake the sleeping beauty, the king decides to rape her. The girl becomes pregnant and gives birth to twins while still unconscious. One of the twins, in search of food, sucks on his mother’s finger removing the splinter from under her fingernail and awakening his mother. The king later returns, presumably to assault her again, “he finds her awake with his children… tells her what he did, but she isn 't bothered by it,” (ARTICLE #3). Briar Rose falls in love with the king despite this, the only problem is the king is still married. When the queen finds out, she “orders the cook to kill [the kids] and serve them as a meal to the king,” (ARTICLE #3). In an effort to eliminate her competition, the queen tries to have Briar Rose thrown into a bonfire, but is instead burned alive herself. Disney leaves out sexual assault and burning people alive to make a once gruesome tale into the fairytale little girls dream …show more content…

She was 10 years old when she met Smith, who was treated very kindly by the Powhetan people. Pocahontas was kidnapped, raped repeatedly, renamed Rebecca, and married off. She was paraded around Europe “and presented to the public as a symbol of the tamed Virginia savage,” (ARTICLE #2). At the age of 22, Pocahontas was poisoned; her murder was planned due to fears that she would reveal the British plan to purge the new frontier of its natives. Overall, the events of Pocahontas’s life were falsified and turned into a beautiful love story with a happy

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