Brother Lemon Short Story

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In the story, Brother Lemon brought with him a new water-purifier which he boasts for its ability to process the water and provide good purity without any bacteria. This was used by Laurence as a symbol to describe Brother Lemon as “a kind of soul-purifier, sucking in the septic souls and spewing them back one hundred percent pure” (p. 53). Although we are created in the image and likeness of God to render us as human, we are not God in any sense. It is only God that can do anything to the soul. It is going too far to say any human to act as a kind of soul-purifier.
Danso, the African, says that Brother Lemon is a step further than the slavers who “didn’t admit we had souls” (p.74). He describes missionary activity as “a procedure - to tear the soul out of a living body, and throw the inconvenient flesh away like a fruit rind" (p.74). Laurence outlines the idea that slavers do not admit there is souls in slaves. Her anthropology is that body and soul can be separated. This is the Plutonic concept of human with soul having reasoning and rational thinking and the body is treated as inconvenience. Christians understanding is that incarnation is about God becoming flesh, as a human body, …show more content…

Brother Lemon is surprised to see a painting of African Christ. "Danso had shown Him with a group of beggars, sore- fouled, their mouths twisted in perpetual leers of pain." (p.76) At this, Brother Lemon speaks in a low voice “Do many – do all of you – see Him like that?” and he left the house. The reason he left is not explained in the story. He may be disturbed by the healthy figure as contrasted to the weak Jesus as commonly shown in the West. The painting exposes Brother Lemon 's own bias and incomplete understanding of Christ and reveals his limited understanding on being

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