Creative Writing: Romeo And Juliet

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Being awoken by something licking my face is not the best morning call.

Peeling open my eyes, I realised the panting, licking animal that woke me up was my dog Tilly.

"Morning, girl!" I greeted with a smile while stroking her soft fur.

Tilly is a Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix. I 've had her for the past two years and I love her more than anything! She is one of my most loyal of friends.

"Well, I need to tidy up my flat, draw a bit then get ready for the party," I planned my day, half talking to Tilly, half talking to myself.

After an hour of constant tidying, I was finally able to sketch something.

Sitting at my desk, I got out my pencils and sketch book. As soon as my pencil hit that paper, everything seemed to melt away. Drawing whatever …show more content…

"Romeo and Juliet..." Something in the back of my head mumbled.

Why on earth did I draw that? I usually don 't sketch anything as dramatic as …show more content…

"Yes, what 's so funny about that? Juliet is a popular name," I replied, becoming defensive.

"Juliet is a lovely name. What 's funny is that my name is Romeo. And you are really pretty."

Disregarding Romeo 's compliment, I began feeling really stupid. I just nearly blew my top for nothing.

Choosing to change the subject I said, "So you get the 'are you looking for your Juliet '?"

"All the time. I 'm guessing you get the 'are you looking for your Romeo '?"

Nodding in agreement, I took a sip of my drink. Taking in part of his face in detail. I was able to see certain facial features I wasn 't able to see before.

For instance, his blue eyes had speckles of gold and he had a mop of brown hair that seemed to fall perfectly without gel.

"Take a picture, it 'll last longer," Romeo teased.

Sticking my tongue out at him, I felt a buzz in my pocket. Taking it out I saw that it was a message from my brother. I haven 't had one of those since my birthday seven months ago.

"Woah woah woah! I was joking! That isn 't creepy at all."

I rolled my eyes before tucking my phone back in my purse.

"I just got a message,

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