The Theme Of Disability In The House Of D?

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Disability is more than just a dictionary definition. Many types of disabilities are portrayed in “The House of D”, but only one character is truly disabled by definition. The incapacities of the characters are much more than a physical or mental condition that reduces the use of the body or mind. The disabilities are also very intertwined between each character, and Tommy is the center. Being in the center of the handicaps Tommy develops a noose around his neck, which will slowly tighten with time and the happening of events. Tommy’s noose is first tightened with the death of his father, and that is where Caroline or Mrs. Warshaw first develops her own handicap. Tommy’s mother’s handicap directly effects Tommy through his relationship with her. Her handicap is her inability to move forward after Mr. Warshaw’s death. Mrs. Warshaw is so hurt by his death that she refuses accept that he …show more content…

He did not realize it, but he had spread himself far too thin. As Tommy wanted to grow his relationship with Melissa, he took away time from Pappas and Caroline. The night of the dance is the night Tommy felt choked and need to release himself. That night Pappas and Tommy’s mother felt replaced. Pappass realized that Tommy was growing up and in desperate effort to stop it Pappass stole a bike that the both wanted. As a result of Pappass’s actions Tommy’s responsibility for Pappass immediately returned. With Tommy getting expelled and Caroline’s over dose Tommy is being choked. By running to Paris Tommy only cuts the ties to the noose, but still being restricted by the knot he never got rid of. That knot is and always was tommy’s true disability. Tommy was disabled by his responsibilities for those around him. Tommy was proof that everyone and their handicap were intertwined in one way or another, and that their incapacity was more than mental

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