Analysis Of Saint Monkey And Trilobites

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While reading Saint Monkey, there were several parts that reminded me of “Trilobites.” Saint Monkey tells the story of Audrey and Caroline living in a small town wanting to become jazz singers out of their hometown. When Audrey’s dad died is what really made me connect this story to “Trilobites.” One of the main parts of “Trilobites” is when Collie’s dad died and how it affects the rest of the story. One should realize how Saint Monkey and “Trilobites,” are similar through the characters and conflicts and how conflicts throughout the stories affect the characters and what writing style the author chooses to use. In the story “Trilobites” with the events that happen and how the story happens, I never would have figured how what trilobites …show more content…

The middle is based on the genre which is important to each book. (5 Style) The beginning parts of Saint Monkey and “Trilobites” is used to attract the readers. Why the book is written and laying out the important parts of the book, such as the characters and setting, is happening in the beginning of both Saint Monkey and “Trilobites.” The middle structure of Saint Monkey and “Trilobites” are written both using the same type of structure. Each story starts with an array of events that is presently happening when suddenly the author enters a plot twist in the stories which in these stories happen to be a flashback. The flashback in Saint Monkey and “Trilobites” is what makes the readers stay interested in the stories. Although the chosen writer’s style structure is similar in Saint Monkey and “Trilobites,” the writer’s voice and word choice is different. The structure that an author has chosen is important for a author because of the way the story has happened. After reading the biographies of both Breece D’J Pancake and Jacinda Townsend, I realized that even growing up in different parts of the region is different. Both authors’ of Saint Monkey and “Trilobites” grew up in different states and had different lifestyles which has an effect on the writer’s writing

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