Nineteen Eighty-Four Analysis

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Nineteen Eighty-Four showed us a world of cruelty and darkness, ruled by a totalitarian government only known as the Party, and it is no surprise to say that one of the relevant themes in this book is hopelessness. From room 101 to the party’s grip over the people, there are always symbols of oppression and signs of hopelessness throughout the book, but rather than just discussing the theme of hopelessness in this book, I want to expand on how hope is deprived from the people and how there can never be any hope of true freedom in Oceania. In my original drawing, I drew and incorporated four specific images as well as three quotes from Nineteen Eighty-Four which represent signs of hopelessness. Before I move on to the specific images and The quote “You will confess and then you will die” (Orwell 278) not only foreshadows what will happen to Winston in the end, but it also gives a sense of deprivation of hope as well. Even when imitating as a member of the Brotherhood, O’Brien makes the statement that there is no hope of destroying the Party and the Brotherhood will never be successful. This, along with his betrayal and lies, makes him a secretive character in Nineteen Eighty-Four and that is why I am giving him a shadowy effect in this As you can see, the poster is relatively tilted in a way so it is looking at Winston. This was intentionally done as I wanted to point out the fact that Big Brother, or rather the Party, is constantly watching the people of Oceania. This is the main method of control the Party uses to not only spy the people, but to also make sure people don’t even think about rebelling against the party. Big Brother symbolizes fear, control and power, all things which contribute to the sense of hopelessness in Nineteen Eighty-Four. By being under constant surveillance by the Party, all your actions are being watched every day, restricting the things you can do in your daily life and depriving the sense of hope in Nineteen Eighty-Four. The final image I want to discuss is the shattered image on the ground. The original image you can see here is a group of proletariat protesting for freedom against the Party. This was Winston’s original hope of destroying the Party. He realized that in order to destroy the Party, the entire proletariat needs to stand up and fight for their rights and freedom. Since the proletariat makes up 85% of the people, the party cannot stop that many people or even imprison that many people in their prisons; therefore, Winston knows that if the proletariat rebelled, they would be victorious over the

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