Harrison Bergeron Character Analysis Essay

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Hazel Bergeron in “Harrison Bergeron” is perhaps not the most obviously important character, when compared to the intellectual abilities of George Bergeron, she does not stand out. When comparing her to the great force that is Harrison, or the great beauty of the ballerina, again, she does not stand out. However, Hazel stands for much more than any of the other preceding characters, even Harrison himself. In the story of “Harrison Bergeron” Kurt Vonnegut establishes Hazel Bergeron as the light, sympathy, and, in some ways, foundation of the story; illustrating the kindness of humanity in the worst of times. It is easy to forget about Hazel Bergeron, though her character is one of the more prominent ones she is, upon first glance, a rather …show more content…

As Hazel is the only sympathy portrayed in the story –other than what could possibly be construed as sympathy from the ballerina towards Harrison; or otherwise is a deep desire for freedom– she also seems to be the only one who is truly human among them. George, too, may be sympathetic if he were allowed to, but Hazel is the one who truly stands up for what she believes to be right, even if she does not know it. An example of this is when Hazel says the following to George after she sees him in pain from his mental …show more content…

Her character shows a relatively normal being who has been so indoctrinated by the thoughts of total equality –the thoughts of the times– that she can do nothing but agree with them. This is shown when Hazel says she thinks society would fall if people were to start cheating at the rules, and that it would be like the “dark ages” again (Vonnegut, 1961). Really, Hazel is the “good” in the rather broad theme of good versus evil of the story. Though Harrison is the main protagonist, Hazel plays an important role in the story. She gives the reader an unfiltered look on the world she lives in, and the thoughts and feelings of the time, and for these reasons she becomes a crucial part–a

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